What role does law play in the development and regulation of contemporary technologies for, and what role do technologies have in law, justice and the development of inclusive and democratic societies?
Event details
- Day/Date: Friday, 14 August 2024
- Time: 12:00 – 2:00pm
- Venue: Deakin Burwood Corporate Centre (BCC)
- In-Person event
- Lunch will be provided.
Event registration
Event information
This panel discussion features experts from a variety of legal fields who engage with contemporary technologies and examine their interaction with legal regimes. The conversation will explore methodological and ethical challenges and present findings from existing research projects at the intersection of law, contemporary technology and society. Fundamental questions for our discussion include how we approach the field and the materials, the methods we pursue, and not the least what is at stake in our roles as researchers in an ever-changing field of law and practice.
Confirmed panelists include Professor Matilda Arvidsson, Professor Lyria Bennett Moses, Professor Shiri Krebs