2025 Annual Workshop: Monday 24 February 2025 Deakin University, Naarm/Melbourne

Call for papers and registration: Deadline 10 January 2025

Disregard for international legal obligations in armed conflict and situations of violence, as well as overly permissive interpretations of applicable rules, are fuelling a process of dehumanisation. Acquiescence and, at times, express support for such behaviour normalises inhumanity and pushes the threshold of tolerance ever higher. Disrespect for international law, and for the inherent humanity of all people, creates cycles of violence and impedes pathways for de-escalation. Against this background, how should the protective, restraining and stabilising effect of international law applicable in the peace and security domain be discussed and (re-)asserted? How can compliance with international law be (re-)centred in debates about peace and security? What is the pathway to good-faith adherence to international law by political actors?

The 2025 edition of the annual IPSIG Workshop seeks to facilitate a discussion between researchers, practitioners and other experts about their work pertaining to issues currently shaping international peace and security law; conversely, considering how international peace and security law is shaping current issues.

While the theme of the Workshop is intentionally broad, we also encourage submissions of papers on issues related to the interest group more broadly. We welcome a discussion of the relevant legal issues from a variety of methodological, theoretical and doctrinal perspectives.

For more details please continue reading here.
