This research theme focuses on protecting people and the environment from technology-based harms. Such harms may arise from the use of automation in government decisions (such as Robodebt), the use of misinformation and disinformation to undermine democracy (particularly during elections), the use of ‘deepfakes’ and image-based gender violence, pervasive surveillance, and predictive counterterrorism measures that impact a variety of human rights and individual freedoms.

Our research contributes to improving government policies through engagement with parliamentary inquiries on relevant Bills dealing with technology-based harms and to advance legislation on responsible technologies. Specifically, we develop strategies to respond to, and counter the effects of, disinformation disseminated via social media and allied technologies. We also engage with several militaries (including in Australia, the US, and Germany) on civilian harm mitigation and protection from technology-based harms during armed conflicts.

Theme lead:

Maria Osullivan Headshot
Maria O'Sullivan Associate Professor at the Deakin Law School, Deakin University